Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Maddison at 10 months

Maddison turned 10 months on October the tenth. Maddison has grown so much this past month. She still has her little attitude which her Grammy calls it her Maddietude. She is very independent and let's us know what she does and does not like. I just keep telling myself that she is a girl and also is my daughter. She definitely has shown her true colors for her little 10 month life span here on earth but Josh and I wouldn't want it to be any other way.

Here's what Maddie has been up too:

Says hi, uh ho and waves hi.

Maddie points to things in her book and reads to herself.

Maddison points at pictures she recognizes especially the two pictures that my parents have of Maddie and Keira(if you ask who is who she will point to the right one).
Maddie loves to take a tour of the home and gets into to everything.

When Maddie knows she is not supposed to be doing something she makes a scoot for it(scoots really fast on her butt) when I try to get her.

Maddie has become really good at pulling her self up on things and is starting to hold to furniture and a walk.

Maddie loves to eat spaghetti, bread, garlic bread, yogurt, broccoli, mashed potatoes and will eat anything we give her as long as we are eating it.

Maddie loves to yell at us when she gets upset by saying DA DA DA DA.

Maddie still loves to go on walks.

When Maddie is on her stomach(not for very long)she likes to crawl in circles.

Maddison's tooth has finely come through and has another one on the way.

Maddie also takes an hour and half to two hours to fall asleep whether she is crying or just playing.
Daddy and Maddie ready for a walk

She loves her spaghetti


  1. Maddietude! That is really funny!!

  2. She is so darling. I love hearing about all the things she is doing. I would love to see a video of this scoot I hear so much about. I miss her and wish her and Juni would be able to hang out all the time.

  3. Wow! She is getting really really big!!!!! And so grown up! What a smart pretty little girl!
