Monday, September 14, 2009

Maddie at 9 months

Maddison turned nine months on September 10th. We took her to the Doctors today and she weighed in at 17 lbs.(average) and 30 in. long(90 percentile). For some reason I thought maddison was going to weigh allot more.

Here are some things that maddie has learned to do:

Maddie loves to sing and dance to music. She is not your average dancing baby that moves from side to side. She is more of dancing baby that moves up and down really fast.

Maddison also matches people's tones. For example, we were at church during sacrament meeting none the less(why does it always happen in that meeting?!) when a little 18 month baby girl screamed and Maddison stopped what she was doing, pulled up on me and turned her head as the baby was screaming her way out the door and Maddison matched the same exact noise that the baby did. Maddison did more of a music note than a scream. It was weird. Thanks mima for teaching her that!

She says doggie, hi da, mamma and no(shakes her head ). Has said all gone, meow and don't only once.

Maddison's has not been able to get the art of crawling yet so to get around she scoots on her butt. She is very good at it. With that said. Yesterday while I was getting Maddie dressed for church I sat her on the bed and while I was unbuttoning the dress she decide to take a big leap off the bed(she was not close to the edge). So my reaction was to break her fall with my knee(poor baby). She ended up landing on her hands and knees. Luckily she did not hit her head.

Maddison has to fall asleep with her comb in her hand. Not only does it have to be in her hand but in her right hand. The reason she has it in the first place is so that I will be able to change her diaper. You see Josh and I were blessed with a very active child. But thankfuly that's not the case every night.

Maddison grabs everything in sight. She does not waste any time. If something's in her way she will throw it.

She loves to sit on daddy's shoulder's and attack his head.

She knows how to pull off her bib and anything that I put in her hair.

She loves to watch videos of herself and always smiles when she sees a picture of herself.

Maddison loves to make bubbles with her mouth.

Maddison will sleep on her side no matter how I lay her in her bed. For some reasons she doesn't like being on her stomach, maybe that's the reason she has not crawled yet.

Josh and I love our little girl to pieces. We hope that as she gets older she will make righteous decisions that will lead her to a happy ending. We love you baby girl!


  1. Wow she is getting so big personality wise, and she is so so cute. I love that she falls asleep with a comb in hand, and she scoots on her bum! (I would love to see a video of that.) Its crazy that Juni is doing many of those thing too but in her own way. I wish we lived closer so these little ladies could play together!

  2. Maddison has to fall asleep with her comb in her hand with her Mom and Dad, but not with her Papa. I just rock her in the rocking chair and then put her on my shoulder and she's out...
