Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Another Daddy and Maddie moment

When Josh comes home from work Maddison gives him a huge smile every time. I wanted to share this photo to show another daddy and Maddie moment. These two are inseparable. I love the expression on their faces. Sorry these are not the best pictures.


  1. That so precious, reading side by side! They look like two peas in a pod!

  2. You guys have a good camera. Are you forcing the flash? That would probably make a huge difference. I almost always use a flash. Your daughter is simply darling! And her Daddy is very nurturing. I'm sure that he is a very good daddy. You are both really good parents!!!!

  3. Maddie really does loove to "read" books and to be read to. She points to the pictures and jabbers away. It's very exciting!
