Monday, May 4, 2009


Around 4pm today Me, Josh and Maddison went on a walk, when we got back there were a swarm of bees flying around the driveway. I was freaking out because I am so terrified of bees and they were in my way to get back inside the house. Josh just told me to run to the door, I ran through the bees screaming my head off while pushing Maddie in the stroller and got her out as fast as you can count to one then went inside. A few minutes later Josh went back outside to check it out(it must be a guy thing) and found half of the bees lying on the ground. See it for yourself:


  1. Tons of bees doing bee things???!!!!! What the freak kind of bee thing is THAT? I've never seen bees swarm like that unless they are in a hive or something! CRAZY! I'm not afraid of bees but I might have freaked out too!

  2. That's so bizarre and freaky. I'm happy you made it out OK and Maddie and Josh too. I can't believe they were just chilling out on the sidewalk in front of your house.
