Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy Spring!

You know its spring when the flowers are blooming and the birds are singing. The best part about it is that weather is just right. Yesterday Maddison wore a very 'spring outfit' given to her by her Aunt Stefanie. Thank you! I took Maddison outside and as soon as I stepped out she was acting like she wanted down. This little girl is ready to be on the go. At first I sat her down on the grass, she didn't like that and she sure let me know. So then I had her standing and she was kicking and talking up storm. I think she is definitely a California girl.


  1. That is the cutest little outfit ever! She is like a little doll. And again, I'm loving the hair bow!!!!

  2. That outfit rocks. We are still waiting for some consistent spring weather so I'm jealous.

  3. I pick the cutest outfits :)
