Monday, March 8, 2010

Missing daddy

Maddison occasionally looks out the window and says daddy then she will sometimes wait there for a while. I tell her that daddy went bye bye, then she waves while looking out the window.

Sometimes when Josh leaves for work she will cry a little. Then when Josh comes home I tell him and he says that it breaks his heart.


  1. Cute pictures! My Ashley sometimes cries because she misses her Daddy. At least my kids don't have to miss their mommy too, and neither does Maddison!

  2. Wow he hair is just so long! Juni gets sad when Matthew leaves sometimes, in fact she did that today. These girls love their Daddies!

  3. She knows she's a girl! And girls just find boys fascinating. The goofier they are, the better--and we know how goofy Josh can be. And Maddison loves to laugh at Joshua's antics.
