Friday, March 26, 2010


We took Maddison to Disneyland for her first time with my family. It was a little crowded but the lines were not bad at all. The weather was hot but bearable.

Maddison on her favorite ride(the carousel).

Tyler driving Maddie and Josh around.

Me and Ryan

Papa and Maddie

Papa, Mima, and Tyler's head

Me and my baby girl

I was looking through my pics and realized that we didn't get pictures of everybody(Sorry). There was a total of thirteen of us. We had so much fun with everyone.


  1. Sounds like fun. Your lucky to be so close to Disneyland. We will have to go when Matthew, Juni, and I come to visit.

  2. She's looking so grown up and soooo pretty!

  3. I'm still surprised that Maddison enjoyed the carousel ride. She's usually so cautious. You have such a wonderful family!
