Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Still catching up!

On December the 10th we celebrated Maddison 1st birthday. We had a small party for her that consisted of spaghetti with chicken Parmesan and cupcakes. I decided not to go all out and make Maddie a cake of her own. I am so glad that I didn't because she did not touch her cupcake.
After dinner and some cupcakes I helped Maddie open her presents. She received a puzzle and a book from her Grammy Linda, pajamas and an Elmo Encore from her Papa and Mima.

She loved her elmo!

Happy 1st birthday Maddison!


  1. Happy Birthday beautiful girl! He hair is so long and pretty now. Look like you had some good cup cakes. :)

  2. Love the last and first pictures! She's a really beautiful little girl. I still cannot believe the red hair. Where exactly did that come from? But it is lovely on her! We always gave our kids a little tiny tiny cake for their first, not much bigger than a cup cake. It's amazing that she is already a year old!

  3. It's about time you posted!

    Love the picture in front of the fireplace.
    Maddison looks cute as always.
