Monday, August 17, 2009

Has it really been a month?

I think I haven't posted for about a month or probably more. I didn't think that people would even notice. There have been so many things on my mind lately and maybe I have been a little depressed but all in all I guess I should have a least stuck with blogging.

I'm not sure were to begin.

Nothing to exciting has been going on. Josh and I have started to look for a house(finally). We can afford South Fontana, Rialto and Victorville. In some parts of South Fontana they have some really nice homes but the area is way to ghetto for my babies to go to school there. It looks like we need to save more to actually get into a decent area. Why does California have to be so expensive? It's not even that great of a place to live. If Josh's job took him out of state I would be very happy. Homes are so much cheaper anywhere else.

On to other news. Maddison is now 8 months old. She is still not crawling. When I put her on her tummy she just rolls over and gets really mad. We bought her a Johnny jumper and she loves it.
When she sees it she wants to go in it. She still won't eat fruit. So I feed her yogurt in the morning and then top her off with a rice bottle. She still gets comments on her hair when we go out and I'm not sure it will ever stop. It's always the same thing. Will you look at that red hair, that is something else! Allot of people think that Maddison is 1 year or more. She loves to swim but now that the wheather is cooling down we don't take her in. Maddison is becoming so much fun. Josh and I love to watch her grow and learn.


  1. I hope you are doing okay. Try to get out of the house more...sometimes that helps me when I'm feeling blue. Good luck with the house search. I wouldn't really want to live in those areas either. What about a town home/condo in a better area? They will probably be less expensive, but still really nice.

  2. That exciting you are looking for a house, but also very stressful. Good luck. Juni really like to jump in her bouncy seat too. We haven't used it in a while though. And just throwing it out there... I'm a stay at home mom too. If you ever want to chat I'm here. I learned it makes things easier when you don't feel alone and a little woman support is nice. Linda has my number. :)

  3. He should look for a job in Idaho. You could afford a really nice house in the Boise area and all of the schools are really good! We'd love to have you up here!
