Friday, June 26, 2009

Maddison at 6 Months

Maddison turned six months on the 10th and had an appointment on the 15th. She weighed in at 15 lbs. 6 oz. and was 25 3/4 in. long. Her pediatrician said that she is still average and is right where she should be for a six month old baby(rolling around, happy screaming, laughing, etc).

Thanks to our trip to New Mexico I was able to see how the pros get a baby on a good sleeping schedule(I know every baby is different). Now I am happy to report that Maddison is in bed by 8:00pm or 8:30pm every night and wakes up at 6:30am every morning. Josh and I love it.

Here's a few things about Maddison if I can remember them all(I usually write them down but for some reason I haven't).

Maddison has waived goodbye twice.

Maddison laughs at random things such as ripping paper, saying blah! Stomping feet and every now and then when the dog moves her tail.

Maddison does this fake laugh out of nowhere.

Maddison can really sit up on her own.

She twists her hair when she drinks a bottle.

She loves green beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, yogurt and the apple-strawberry-banana mix.

She loves to drink from her Sippy cup.

Maddison does these happy screams that can shatter a window.

She blows raspberry's all the time.

Maddison drools like a faucet.

When we go grocery shopping we put her in the cart and she holds on for dear life.

Maddison says da da da and goo goo gaga and does this fake cough when she wants attention(I think she learned that from her cousin Keira).


  1. She's adorable! I love baby raspberries!

    You know, my parents had us all on a schedule when we were babies. Seriously, the one who took the longest to sleep through the night was Josh at 8 weeks. I know how they did it. They just put us in our bed and didn't get up when we cried and I guess we just didn't cry after a day! Babies are pretty smart.

    Of course, when it came to my babies I'd nurse them whenever they cried but I don't remember having any real problems except that they STILL want to sleep in our bed! (we don't let them, but they want to.)

    You are doing such a good thing to record all of this. It's amazing how time makes you forget the details but you never want to forget!

  2. Ha ha I love that she laughed at paper. Its awesome to record all the little things, she will love them when she's older. Way to go on the schedule, I bet that's really nice. I wish I could see baby Maddi soon! Does she have any teeth yet?
