Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Josh has finally started to do his outside sales. I'm so happy for him but he is working six days a week and will be starting school in the spring, which means that the only day he can help me out is Sundays and even then he doesn't because he has meetings for church at the butt crack of dawn. Don't get me wrong he helps out when he comes home from work but sometimes he has to work from home after he has worked in the store. I have been feeling so tired and overwhelmed the past couple of weeks. I need a vacation! Sometimes I forget to eat or don't have time to eat until Josh comes home or Maddison is sleeping. If I try to eat while she is awake I can't put her down for no more than fifteen to twenty minutes. I've come to realize that she is being held way to much from everyone and now that's what she expects all the time. I need to find other ways for her entertainment. I guess I just wrote this blog to get these things off my mind.
Well in other news I finally got a program to teach me how to use my adobe photo shop program and I can't wait to start scrapbooking again. I also got a new dress from Down East basics. This store is based in Utah but is also on-line and they make clothes that cover up your garments(am I allowed to say that), anyway my awesome sister Jennifer informed me on that store and I love it.


  1. I'm sorry about the lack of sleep, eating, and soon-to-be lack of hubby (most of the time)!!!! I was just shopping online at downeastbasics. I didn't buy anything ... yet. There are a lot of cute tops I'd like! And, I'm excited to see what you come up with on adobe. It's a mystery to me. I think I'm going to get adobe for dummies! I bet you can put some of your adobe projects on the blog!

  2. Yep, life is nuts...it will get a little easier when Maddie is older. Just be glad Josh is doing school now and not when Maddie's a lot older and you possibly have other children...learn from us, we learned the hard way!!!!

    I like the photo on your side bar. She has a really cute smile!

  3. That's so tough not having help. It is very hard holding a baby all the time especially when trying to cook. I think all moms should get a vacation every other month. Wouldn't that be nice?
    I used to work for Downeastbasics they do have some cute stuff.
